About Us - Terre Antiche

A place in the sun
or to be planned in Central Italy
Lovely antiseismic villas for sale
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Some  information about us

Terre Antiche SAS is a small company founded a few years ago by two people: the director Loris Nardo and his daughter Alice Giulia. Both had a university education and international experiences, but in life had hitherto followed paths different from the business of restoring nice houses in the country. The latter is a sort of sudden but enduring passion arisen after a casual, long stay in Le Marche. And the result was the purchase of various properties in the region, all fascinating but in derelict conditions. The following step was their careful and loving reconstruction, carried out as if the two in charge were going to live in those houses themselves, a fact that was fully appreciated by the international clients who purchased them, and, as a matter of fact, often became personal friends.
Father and daughter are now left with the most exciting project: the renaissance of an ancient derelict “borgo” which was owned for centuries by the most ancient family in the land.
Borgo Ragoni has been studied and analysed thoroughly, restored in parts and put on the path of a future revival.
All that is because those in charge are people who love to preserve and revive the architectural patrimony of the Land, respect the environment and the landscape, but also wish to combine all that with the business of satisfying the needs and desires of a demanding clientele.

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